Travelling this week …

Thanks to the company’s travel policy, I have to travel the lowest fare flight available (ok, to be fair, any flight that’s no more than $300 than the cheapest available flight) and in the end, I have to take United Airline, stop over at Hong Kong and Chicago, before arriving at Houston, 27 hours after I left Singapore!

At Chicago, I decided to turn on my Touch Pro quickly to check out the BPL result. Thank goodness, Liverpool won 3-2 away against Manchester City, after being 2-0 down on half-time. That made my day anytime, and the flight fatigue was overshadowed by the joyous feeling.

At Houston, I went over to Hertz to collect the rented car. No “Never Lost” system this time round, again courtesy of company’s travel policy. Well, I was never prepared to ‘study’ the route to the hotel, especially considering how tired I will be after a long flight journey. I am sure my brain will need some guidance, and hence I had brought along my travelling car kit comprises of phone charger and cradle. After setting them up, and positioning my Touch Pro, I turned on the Garmin Mobile XT installed on my Touch Pro, and crossed my finger that I could get acquistion fix, fast. It didn’t disappoint me, thanks to the Quick GPS, as Garmin Mobile XT received the fix within a minute, and I manage to get my way to the hotel within 30 mins, with the usual familiar navigation guidance voice.

Touch Pro to my rescue again, thankfully.

A short escapade to Bintan

This was probably the first time Yeez and myself had an holiday with Kang & Ray (and their parents of course, our sister and brother-in-law) so we were naturally very excited.

The ferry ride was a non-event (thank godness!), sea was not choppy and we got ourselves a good seating arrangement, all thanks to Kang’s “leadership” in getting the good seats reserved! So finally we arrived at Bintan Lagoon Resort, which is about 10 mins bus ride away from the ferry terminal, I had to say it had not changed since the first time I came to the resort 10 years ago. Still, it was a different experience given that this was the first time we spent with our nephews in the resort. Continue reading

台湾一游 之 行程序幕


有人说:“钱是赚不完的,身体是累得跨的”。在工作岗位上奋斗了那么多年,虽然还是个打工仔,但也付出了不少汗血,所以决定给自己和意一点物质上的鼓励 — 环游台湾岛吧!

去台湾不是一个很难的决定,但行程的安排,确实有一点难倒了我这个懒人。想了一想,还是参加旅行团,省了麻烦的筹备功夫,拍拍屁股就可以上路了吧! 朋友于是给了一些意见,参加旅行团,必须要有因行程紧凑而疲惫的心理准备。鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。我们最终还是报名加入旅行团,但也选择在行程后再延长多两天,一来希望不会把疲惫的心情带回家,二来还可以在台北逍遥自在地逛一逛,一石二鸟呀!
